A Design Science Renaissance.
While Satoshi Nakamoto's work remains pseudonymous (for good reason), it has an uncanny fidelity to the work of R. Buckminster (Bucky) Fuller.
Bucky was many things: an architect, engineer, inventor, philosopher, poet, father, sailor, polymath, system theorist, verb, and "crackpot," to name only a few. He preferred not to be labeled and has been recognized as one of the brightest minds of the last century. According to his own words, he spent his life exploring the architecture of the universe.
Bucky believed that global thinkers fluent in design and science—not career politicians—were needed to make the world work for 100% of humanity by inducing the right incentives instead of depending on politically enforced reform.
After a lifetime of research, Bucky concluded that a global "time-energy accounting system" was the highest priority to accomplishing this vision of a hopeful world that worked for all. He understood that computers, once available, would change everything.
The Proof of Work (PoW) Bitcoin protocol is maturing into the accounting system Bucky envisioned—a requisite for a positive sum world that works for you and me rather than you or me.
Bucky's work imbues a philosophy disguised as architecture; it was his clever way of time-locking essential concepts into the future until the world was ready to discover them. He called this "applied philosophy."
World Game is a creative studio exploring these concepts to help build a future that avoids the cyclical trap of divisive violence. Bucky called this process of thinking holistically, anticipating challenges, and designing solutions for foreseeable problems a "comprehensive anticipatory design science." Ignorance is our common enemy, and Bitcoin literacy gives humanity hope.
This research is not intended to be prescriptive, so in the spirit of thinking for oneself, don't trust; verify.
Bitcoin, the generalized principle, is a discovery, not an invention. It requires an interdisciplinary journey and the humility to start with an open mind, as Bucky did when he decided to unlearn everything he had been taught around the age of 32. At the end of this journey, there is a tangible sense of hope.
Bucky actively resisted specializing in any single discipline for too long as he studied how everything was integrated. He saw that our collective overspecialization was a threat to humanity and that adequate time for exchanging ideas was necessary.​
"In an era of specialization, the architect is all we have whose business is with everything."
He warned of the detrimental outcome of outsourcing all of one's thinking and empowered individuals to have the courage to trust their judgment and personal experience. Bucky's holistic perspective makes his work an effective gateway for exploring why Satoshi Nakamoto shared the Bitcoin protocol with the world.
Satoshi is, in Bucky's words, a "Comprehensive Anticipatory Design Scientist."

Bucky tirelessly worked on a vision where individuals or teams collaborated to make the world work for 100% of humanity through spontaneous cooperation, without ecological offense or the disadvantage of anyone.
Bucky understood that we have the necessary knowledge and resources to support 100% of humanity, but the existing monetary system had systemic problems.
After a lifetime of research, he concluded that a global time-energy accounting system was the highest priority in addressing the issue.
A key to its fruition was a distributed energy ecosystem of renewable energy resources, which he called energy income.

The Bitcoin timechain follows the Precessional Shunting Principle.
A design that indirectly influences behavior by altering the environment.​
​(e.g., a bridge)
Bucky spent his life searching for what he called nature's coordinate system. He observed that nature does not have a chemistry, physics, or biology department, yet somehow, everything in the universe was coordinating. He deduced that there was an underlying system used to coordinate everything. He often referred to it as a universal time-energy accounting system.
In 2009, a pseudonymous developer built this accounting system with computer code (as Bucky predicted would happen), and it has since been openly accessible to anyone worldwide. It is a public utility with increasing engagement, utility, and resiliency.
The following is a curated list of Bucky's ideas about the time-energy accounting system we now call the Bitcoin network. It provides context for understanding how Bitcoin is akin to discovering a fundamental law of nature, not a mysterious or threatening invention.
Bucky understood that a single person can make a tangible difference.
Bucky often referred to himself as a "trimtab"—a small rudder that can change the course of a large ship with a small amount of force. It was his analogy for how a single person can start to make a big difference.
Bucky understood the need to think for yourself, a.k.a. don't trust, verify.
"I sought to do my own thinking, confining it to only experientially gained information, and with the products of my own thinking and intuition to articulate my own innate motivational integrity instead of trying to accommodate everyone else’s opinions, credos, educational theories, romances, and mores, as I had in my earlier life." [10]
"I have done everything I could to unfetter myself from all the social impositions." [15]
"One reason I was in a great deal of trouble was that I had been extremely accommodating in my willingness to believe what the other fellow asked me to believe." [18]
"You must learn your own fights about this! And be able to really talk and make decisions that are really gonna count! Whether humans stay on this planet or not depends on your personal individual integrity!" [20]
"Our only entrance key is through ourselves, not others." [0]
"Darling, I say I never try to tell anybody else what to do, number one. And number two, I think that’s what the individual is all about. Each one of us has something to contribute. This really depends on each one doing their own thinking, but not following any kind of rule that I can give out, any command. We’re all on the frontier, we’re all in a great mystery–incredibly mysterious. Each one possesses exactly what each one is working out, and what each one works out relates to their particular set of circumstances of any one day, or any one place around the world." [30]
"And this is not a matter of an examination of the types of governments, nothing to do with politics, nothing to do with economic systems. It has to do with the individual. Does the individual have the courage to really go along with the truth?" [30]
"Now you have the ability to communicate, you don’t have to say, 'I didn’t know what was going on because I was illiterate.' I do know what’s going on and I have very much of a sense of what is really valid–what my life tells me works or doesn’t work, this is the truth or not the truth. So it is this matter of the integrity of the individual, the courage, the courage to go along with the truth as you personally really see it–or are you going to be swayed by the crowd? Are you going to be scared about your job, or whatever it may be? That’s why I talk about integrity. Integrity of the individual is what we’re being judged for and if we are not passing that examination, we don’t really have the guts, we’ll blow ourselves up. It will be all over. I think it’s all the difference in the world." [30]
"His thinking was disciplined. He was meticulous in challenging his own thoughts and ideas, making sure that he was thinking clearly, that he was not relying on someone else's hearsay but basing his own thoughts and ideas on his own experience." [34]
Bucky understood the need to understand basic arithmatic to protect your wealth.
"Mr. King, the reason I'm able to steal from you is because you don't understand arithmetic." [12]
Bucky understood that trust (good faith) was required under the existing system and that the system could, therefore, be abused.
"As time is saved by progress, and time is in everything, all material products of industry must necessarily become lighter and lighter. It is worthy of note that this will be definitely reflected in the mirror of economic progress, the stock market, provided the time savings progress is balanced by the increase in good faith, and may be taken advantage of by those who intelligently acquaint themselves of this fact." [0]
"This is because the material property had to be pledged, and the individual's good faith, or word and time obligation, were insufficient." [0]
Bucky understood that authority or prestige does not compensate for a lack of understanding in solving humanity's challenges.
"One thing I have definitely observed in my years of business is that the so-called “banker” is never so stupid as to stick to a fallacy for the sake of stubbornness or lack of enterprise when that fallacy is clearly revealed to him, and he foresees that he is going to lose money. Therefore, I do not condemn the bankers who are laboring under the hallucination that money is an end-all, simply because they have been brought up to “believe” that it was, and have learned no better, not having been directly in contact with actual productive and distribution business. Fleeting high power surveys are
laughably inadequate." [0]
Bucky understood building is more productive than fighting.
“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
"We must remember that our grand strategy is based on producing the artifacts [tools] that will induce the right behaviors rather than depending on politically enacted and enforced reforms." [10]
"Efficiency makes it mandatory that we use forces, not fight them." [1]
"Seek to reform the environment, not humans. I am determined never to try to persuade humanity to alter its customs and viewpoints. [10]
Bucky understood that politics cannot solve the world's problems.
"The world's problems cannot be solved by politics and can only be solved by a physical invention-and-design revolution."
"Solution of the impasse, if it comes at all, must clearly come from other than political initiative."
"What makes so difficult the task of informing humanity of its newborn option to realize success for all is the fact that all major religions and politics thrive only on the for-all-ages held, ignorantly adopted premise of the existence of an eternal inadequacy of life-support inherent in the design of our planet."
"And this is not a matter of an examination of the types of governments, nothing to do with politics, nothing to do with economic systems. It has to do with the individual. Does the individual have the courage to really go along with the truth?"
"The Stock Exchange Machine [polymarket] is going to prove itself to be so delicate an indicator of popular sentiment at all times that it will replace in large measure the ballot box of politics. There will be no necessity of four year referendums to determine the sentiment of the people in relation to legislative progress, administration leadership, or the desirability of sit-down strikes as an effective means of worker welfaring."
"Fuller regards politics as an outmoded activity—naive attempt to achieve through the words what must ultimately be derived from technology."
"The upsurge probably further reflects the growing realization by world youth that its desire for success for all humanity can never be accomplished by politics, which is inherently divisive and biased and, to be effective, must eventually have recourse to its ultimate tools of warmaking; and that fundamental world peace probably can be accomplished only by a design-science revolution which can and may realize the feasible potential by upgrading the performance per units of resources to provide 100% of humanity with an ever-higher standard of living."
"This is a superb opportunity to clarify for all humanity that the fundamental and prior problem of man’s surviving successfully on this little sun-orbiting spaceship, ‘‘Earth,’’ cannot be solved by political theory and is not to be left to the politician’s ultimate lever—war—hot, subversive, cold, or cool."
"There is a new idea aloft in our era, one in which we do not think of our great world dilemmas in terms of politics. For years, we have been telling the politicians to solve our problems, and yet the crises continually multiply and accelerate in both magnitude and speed of recurrence."
"In the design-science revolution world students have at last glimpsed the realization that they no longer must leave the solution of the world's problems to the politicians or to anyone other than themselves."
"Industry is replacing political control." [0]
Bucky understood the right to exit.
"For him [Bucky], the capacity to disconnect from a system was as important as the capacity to connect." [19]
Bucky understood the housing problem.
"The money-making solutions of housing are exactly what humanity is not looking for but has had to accept, lacking any alternatives." [10]
"By and large, the great world housing problem is an educational problem." [4] [31]
Bucky understood that passive resistance would not suffice.
"Passive resistance will not amplify the production of life support." [5]
"To get rid of weapons we must design our way to positive effectiveness, and not just be negative about politicians and what they are doing." [18]
Bucky understood the importance of (Bitcoin) literacy.
"When humanity is primarily illiterate, it needs leaders to understand and get the information and deal with it. When we are at the point where the majority of humans themselves are literate, able to get the information, we’re in an entirely new relationship to Universe. We are at the point where the integrity of the individual counts and not what the political leadership or the religious leadership says to do." [30]
Bucky understood language can be insufficient and misleading.
Bucky also invents new words, or uses common words in ways that are new, precisely because he is attempting to steer clear of the limiting habits of thinking we all inherited.
“We still say the words sunrise and sunset, even though we have known for hundreds of years that the earth revolves around the sun!” [4]
"When one makes discoveries that, to the best of one’s knowledge and wide inquiry, seem to be utterly new, problems arise regarding the appropriate nomenclature and description of what is being discovered as well as problems of invention relating to symbolic economy and lucidity. As a consequence, I found myself inventing an increasingly larger descriptive vocabulary, which evolved as the simplest, least ambiguous method of recounting the paraphernalia and strategies of the live scenario of all my relevant experiences." [6]
"For many years, my vocabulary was utterly foreign to the semantics of all the other sciences. I drew heavily on the dictionary for good and unambiguous terms to identify the multiplying nuances of my discoveries." [6]
"Whenever you come to a word with which you are not familiar, find it in the dictionary and write a sentence which uses that new word. Words are tools—and once you have learned how to use a tool you will never forget it. Just looking for the meaning of the word is not enough. If your vocabulary is comprehensive, you can comprehend both fine and large patterns of experience." [10]
"He never let himself look at word, that he didn't fully understand, and pass it by. He must understand not only its meaning but also its root." [34]
Bucky understood the solution will be bottom up, not top down.
"But it won’t be a question of pulling the top down
and jailing the enemies of the people. It’ll be pulling
the bottom up, so that everybody can be brought into
the success we’ll all enjoy." [22]
Bucky understood our monetary system was upstream of our energy problem.
"How much of our energy problem is the result of our accounting system?" [25]
"Our present accounting system is at the roots of the energy problems of today." [25]
Bucky undersood knowledge is the antidote to fear.
“There’s no instant anything, of course, so there’s
going to be some rough going. The many who are not
literate about what’s going on will be terribly scared." [22]
"Lack of knowledge of the solution's existence often leaves humanity confounded when it need not be." [6]
Bucky undersood tools are amoral.
“The military also buys soap and water, but
that doesn’t mean soap and water must be boycotted
by those who hate war. They also buy pencils, and
it’s perfectly clear to me that a man could use a
pencil as a dagger or he could write a prescription to
save a child’s life. So how tools are used is not the
responsibility of the inventor." [22]
Bucky understood that failure is a feature, not a bug. A system designed to avoid failure is a flawed system.
“Ecological life is designed to learn only by trial and error." [12]
"Humans have had to make trillions of mistakes to acquire the little we have thus learned." [12]
The power structure's forbiddance of error-making has fostered cover-ups, self-deceit, egoism, false fronts, hypocrisy, legally enacted or decreed subterfuge, ethical codes, and the economic rewarding of selfishness." [12]
"Try making experiments of anything you conceive and are intensely interested in. Don’t be disappointed if something doesn’t work. That is what you want to know—the truth about everything—and then the truth about combinations of things. Some combinations have such logic and integrity that they can work coherently despite non-working elements embraced by their system." [10]
Bucky understood the value of networks for accruing and distributing wealth.
“Energy systems, as we have observed, are greatly benefited when the interlinkage is economically feasible. In addition to the 'geometrical-relativity' of energy conservation occurring as size is increased the benefit of integration comes also from the law of averages which allows the otherwise unused but necessarily maintained total generating capacities to flow from one system to the other, to satisfy one another's nonsimultaneous supply shortages." [4]
"All transmission systems involve original capital investments of the energy-intellect-time wealth to produce the transmission tools and further working capital of energy plus intellectual-time wealth to cover operating costs. When we account the annual rates for amortizin the original capital—tools and structures as well as the operating costs and continuous lifelong social overhead of commonwealth responsibilities and functions—as now customarily articulated by taxes—and compare the net delivered energy costs, volume, and velocity advantage of the alternate energy-transmission systems, we find that electrical energy delivered today by wire (and tomorrow possibly by radio, or lights, or laser beams)—is by far the most efficient, profuse, and speedy wealth-distributing system." [4]
Bucky understood that a time-energy accounting system is nonpartisan and will bring different interests together by aligning their incentives.
"The political leaders will be forced by their engineers and science-educated public to choose to integrate, and the ideological differences will vanish." [4]
"This will bring about a large series of surprising mergers of heretofore opposed interests." [4]
"Through computer analysis, the private vs. public sectors' 'best interest' differentiations will tend to disappear." [4]
Bucky understood we would need new solutions to break out of cyclical problems.
"The problems of our moment are as unprecedented as they are vast. The solutions will have to be unprecedented and vast."
Bucky understood physical property is not ownable.
"Physical "ownership" is antientropic—ergo, eventually unsustainable." [4]
"Ergo: "ownership" of physical entities by man is untenable in natural law and inherently obstructive to evolution and realization of the comprehensive emancipation of man—from his ignorance-rooted failures, and from his imminently potential physical and economic success." [4]
"Only one's own "personality" and life are ownable." [4]
"Though and ideas is but an abstract object, it is no less subject to the laws of individualism and property ownership than a material object. However, the world being very material in its considerations, it as yet gives not protection to abstract discoveries of organization method." [0]
"The higher the order of man (that is the further he has progressed in the establishment of abstract values, and removed himself from the bestial or material control) the more inherent in him is the respect for this abstract ownership." [0]
Bucky understood the natural tendency for solutions to problems to emerge out of necessity.
"Necessity is the mother of invention." [18]
Bucky understood we need to lower our time preference.
"You have to be operating on a 25-year basis to make any sense in an industrial society. You've got to get rid of that agricultural fiscal year. When you're dealing in the failure-oriented fiscal-year idea, you're always toting up your outlay and discovering you can't afford to spend another cent. But the kind of productivity that long-range planning will give you doesn't come into focus within the span of that single agricultural year. So you're constantly deluding yourself...It is going to be one mess after another until this point is realized. Because the system is not working." [22]
"That omni-success has now become technically feasible, but is frustrated by humanity's clinging ignorantly to the inherently shortsighted one-year accounting system." [33]
Bucky understood that we had to step out of the existing system to identify, diagnose, and solve the problem.
"Mankind literally lives inside the frame of measurement that needs to be interrogated." [19]
Bucky understood that creative destruction was not only necessary but inevitable.
"It is part of my personal discipline to continue to try making obsolete all the inventions which I have previously developed by designing ever more effective and efficient devices for solving the complex and comprehensive world problems." [4]
"Ecological life is designed to learn only by trial and error...The combined human power structures—economic, religious, and political—have compounded this primary error by filing that no one should make mistakes and punishing those who do. This deprives humans of their only-by-trial-and-error method of learning. The power structure's forbiddance of error-making has fostered cover-ups, self-deceit, egotism, false fronts, hypocrisy, legally enacted or decreed subterfuge, ethical codes, and the economic rewarding of selfishness." [12]
Bucky also understood the risk of shipping an idea before it was ready, regardless of how profitable it might be (similar to Satoshi's early concerns about WikiLeaks adoption).
"Regardless of the fact that his 5500 shares of Fuller Houses would have skyrocketed to a value of at least $550,000 and his dream of quality mass production homes for average people would have been realized in an extremely short time, Bucky was not about to endorse production until the exact moment he deemed everything was completely ready. " [13]
Bucky understood the value of anonymity.
Bucky was the editor of a successful magazine called Shelter. He was unorthodox in that he decided to remain anonymous, although he edited the entire publication himself. He understood how jealousy and competition hinder thinking and openness to new ideas. He wanted people to think for themselves and not blindly accept or reject the beliefs of others. He referred to himself as "4D," a pseudonymous person or group. [13]
"...he quickly resolved to "be invisible", by dressing in a black suite and tie, like a bank clerk, to ensure that his audience concentrated on the message, rather than his personal eccentricity." [21]
Bucky understood the inventor is not as important as the instrument.
"Who knows who made the first pencil?...The 'pencil' not only facilitates communication between men, by making thought specific and objective, but also enables men, cooperatively, to plan and realize the building of a house, oxygen tent, flatiron, or an x-ray, by virtue of the pencil's availability. The inventor, alive or dead, is extraneous and unimportant; it is the 'pencil' that carries over. Abstract thought dies with the thinker, but the mechanism was building for a long time before the moment of recognized in-vention." [1]
Bucky understood true wealth is derived from functional value, not intrinsic value.
“Wealth has nothing to do with the intrinsic value 'money,' as metallic specie—as silver, copper, or gold coinage.” [4]
"People are corrupt only when no emergency threatens. they will not dive for gold or jewels when the ship is sinking in mid-ocean. They abandon intrinsic for functionals in the supreme test. They will only dive for buoyant objects." [18]
Bucky understood money was not wealth.
"It must be remembered that...money is not wealth and wealth is the organized technological capability to protect, nurture, educate, and accommodate the forward days of humans." [11]
“Wealth is the accomplished technological ability to protect, nurture, support, and accommodate all growful needs of life." [10]
"We define wealth as the organized degree of accountable tooled-up of forward controlling of environment and metabolic process requirements." [18]
"They began to demonstrate what we really mean by wealth, which is to organize physical capability and to organize energy." [18]
"Wealth is explicitly the organized tool-articulated energy capability to sustain his forward hours and days of metabolic regeneration; to physically protect him; to increase his knowledge and degrees of freedom while decreasing his interfrustrations." [4]
​"It is senseless to dump billions of dollars into Europe or China. These sums of money are merely digits stripped of immediate survival reality." [18]
"Fuller conceives of real wealth as the total organized capacity of society to deal with “forward event controlling,” that is, with future contingencies." [27]
Bucky understood the value of proof of reserves. People don't always have what they portray.
“The 150-year-long “infinite wealth” poker hand and its uncalled bluffing was over. The called hands were suddenly down. It turned out that the “wealthys’” wealth was nonexistent." [10]
Bucky understood the need to avoid counterparty risk.
“You must not use the credit of others for your own projects. I learned that idea from Henry Ford." [31]
Bucky understood that the public did not understand the banking system very well.
“They were completely hoodwinked by the appearance of the banks as safe, fireproof, and robberproof depositories of their earnings. Even today, in the last twenty years of the twentieth century, people know little more about banks than they did during the 1929 Crash or at the depth of the Depression in 1932, when all they knew was that they had lost their deposits in most of them." [10]
Bucky understood individual speculation was natural and necessary.
"Living entities must speculate to grow. Speculation is the first conscious stage of the teleological trial and error process." [1]
"Much contemporary 'hue and cry' against the 'speculator' has provoked a derogatory, special meaning for the word 'speculate.' This derogatory inference is born of a careless lack of search into the subject, for it is not speculation per see that is anathema to the sense of universal social fairness, but the employment by financial speculators of not only their own credit but the credit of others who have no wish so to speculate their credit." [1]
"Speculation, credit, imagination, invention, et cetera, are exquisitely more unique to the individual than manipulatably acquirable physical properties." [1]
"It is then not speculation but the misappropriation of speculation by 'peculators' of the individual's abstract assets that is at the root of popular condemnation of financial speculation." [1]
"When persons speculating their own credit speculate, for instance, that it will be safest for survival to place their accrued earned credit in a bank against an emergency, they assume that that credit will remain as an intrinsic entity in their chosen depository." [1]
"Banks have actually speculated the credit of their depositors in, for instance, real estate, with regard to which the depositors themselves would not intuitively have wished to speculate."
"The astonishing manifestation of the fallacy of external boards of directors today, is that they are, for instance in the banking or insurance company, investing the funds of the stockholders, whom they represent, in bonds, and other types of what they call “Gilt Edge” and what I call “pound of flesh” security; that they would not themselves think of putting their money in." [0]
Bucky believed in consensual exchange, not theft or coersion.
"I sought to accomplish whatever was to be accomplished for anyone in such a manner that the advantage attained for anyone would never be secured at the cost of another or others.” [10]
"On the other hand, they are extremely capable thinkers, and free intercourse with the world could change their views and fate." [3]
Bucky understood central planning was infeasible because information is local and lives at the edges.
"We can see 1 million miles away but cannot hear." [16]
"We are local monitors." [16]
"Craft is inherently local." [16]
Bucky understood war would be unpopular if citizens understood how they were being taxed to pay for it.
"Approximately $30 of our unasked-for per-each debt increase since 1928 was pinned upon us as our individual subscription to the NEXT world war to which certainly very few of us would voluntarily subscribe.” [1]
Bucky understood that fiat currencies and even coinage were at risk of manipulation.
"No legislative peg of minimum wages and maximum hours, even on an annual pay basis, can be of any value to the worker until his dollar is standardized upon this physical energy conversion rate, instead of upon a basic metal unit, which unit, in turn, is subject to scarcity manipulation and to monopoly.” [1]
Bucky understood that debt would increase to absurd levels under the existing system.
"Because debt is a convention of traditional government, it will be increased to eventual absurdity. There is no other means of eliminating it in a democracy. Revolution could eliminate it only by democratic suicide." [18]
Bucky understood those in power are able to privatize gains and socialize their losses.
"The bankruptcy of the old system was thereby shifted from banker 'outlet' institutions to the people." [1]
"Eventually the U.S. taxpayers will be asked to make “free-of-risk” bail-outs of “private” enterprises, corporations with initial physical assets worth over a billion dollars classified as risk enterprises." [10]
"This results in private enterprise making a $900 million bad gamble and having the capability of passing on their loss to the public." [11]
"What the colossus’ media call 'inflation' is of course deflation of humanity’s buying power. Inflation does not increase the true values nor produce more or better goods." [11]
"The very word 'inflation' is a deliberately deceptive term adopted to exploit the easily misguided human reflex conditioning. It was spontaneously chosen to obscure the fact that all non-holders of corporate shares are being legally robbed." [11]
"That is, they have priced and otherwise manipulated the money game in such a way that $95 out of every $100 I have earned has been taken away." [11]
"The public, in no wise being so stupid as they are considered to be by the bankers and the advertising men, had perceived the method of recreation of capital of which the bank, as middleman, had been taking the cream. Perceiving the inevitable trend of affairs, the bankers felt that this high market point marked a logical time to take to the life-boats, leaving the worn-out vessel of collateral bonds to widows and children." [0]
Bucky understood the implications of de-pegging the dollar from gold in 1971.
"When in 1972 all the power-structure capital had converted its dollars into gold, oil, or other highly concentrated and mobile equities, then-President Richard Nixon severed the U.S.A. dollar from its government-guaranteed gold equity value of $35 per ounce, the U.S.A. people’s dollar buying power plummeted—now, in 1980, being worth only 5 cents of the 1971 U.S.A. dollar." [10]
"Nixon’s cutting loose of the price anchorage [from gold] betrayed all non-wealthy U.S. citizens." [11]
Bucky warned of the hidden banking insolvency.
"With control of the 'Free World' media, the colossus hopes to postpone world realization of the fact of U.S. bankruptcy for ten years." [11]
"The 150-year-long 'infinite wealth' poker hand and its uncalled bluffing was over. The called hands were suddenly down. It turned out that the wealthys’ wealth was nonexistent." [11]
"These Southeast Asians say the banker cannot lend them the wind before the wind blows. They are right, as the world’s bankers are about to learn to the unprecedented discomfort of all humanity." [10]
"The big money monopoly has lost, and they just aren't going to announce to you that the money game is through. They never do." [16. Day 9]
Bucky understood there will be a limit to issuing US treasuries.
"Nothing to stop the U.S. Treasury from issuing 2050 notes, but for how far into the future can [they] keep selling U.S.A. promissory notes?" [10]
Bucky understood there will be a limit to fractional reserves.
"No brokerage house may survive and stretch customer credits beyond economic water line." [10]
Bucky understood bonds were ripe for disruption.
"Inasmuch as bonds are supposed to be secured by material land or equipment, the person or groups receiving the money are in a great way relieved of any moral obligation in the event of business disaster. I have often wondered what Mother could do with her allotted portion of the “Santa Fe” trackage as it passed through a Kansas mud flat. This is because the material property had to be pledged, and the individual's good faith, or word and time obligation, were insufficient. Wherefore if a company with bond issues goes “broke”, the company says to the bondholder, “Now you go ahead and take my shirt, which you made me pledge; that’s yours and that ends that”, and in 99 cases out of 100 the “shirt” is worn out or obsolete." [0]
Bucky understood: Not your keys, not your coins.
"We, the American people, are going to have to guarantee our own bank accounts." [10]
"People have always believed that when they put their money in the bank, it stayed there. They had no idea it went out on loan within minutes after it came in." [10]
Bucky understood the coincidence of wants.
"To accommodate such exchanges of disparate goods, humans invented money. Money consisted of tokens made of substances of no intrinsic value—such as white pebbles or beads—which all of the tribe recognized and accepted as representing easily counted tokens for purchasing capability and as calculating devices representing the holders' input into the community wealth. This wealth was realistically accounted as being the capability to support, protect, and accommodate forward days of various numbers of human lives. Money 'beads' realistically represented the accountable hours and days of human production or work invested in the respective exchange items and services. The tokens could be set aside until needed." [12]
"MONEY was devised primarily as an abstract means by which man might convert his specific-work (energy conversion) into the acquisition of the work of others necessary to his completeness of growth. [1]
"Money is only an expediency-adopted means of interexchanging desperately sized, nonequatable items of real wealth." [10]
"So it became necessary to devise currencies as an abstraction of trade, in order that payment might be made for goods purchased by the foreign customer in some temporary medium subsequently and universally convertible by the shipper in acquisition of other types of product, or produce in other places. [1]
Bucky understood that manipulated rules are devastating to society.
"The corporate colossus alters the scoring values by increasing prices to ensure that the industrial game will always be won only by the 'richest.' It is reminiscent of the following incident of my boyhood.
Amongst the neighborhood boys of my childhood was one whose family was very rich and had bought him a set of baseball bats, balls, gloves, mitts, and other equipment such as catcher’s masks, base cushions, pneumatic catcher’s belly protector, home plate—that is, the equipment for an entire team. Finding a suitable neighborhood field, he would attract a crowd of us. Eager to play, resplendent in his baseball uniform, he would announce the rules of baseball as we were to play it if we wanted to use his equipment. When, however, his side or he himself began to lose or play poorly he would change the rules, making his side’s just-scored runs worth five of the earlier runs. If his rule-switching became unacceptable to the rest of us, as it often did, he would pick up all the playing gear, put it in his pony cart, and drive away." [11]
"Despite the designed power of their administration they are using their arbitrary privileges in a manner that would be analogous to the Interstate Commerce Commission, suddenly, quadrupling the rail rate on a load of potatoes, coming into Chicago, of the particular shippers of any one given day, to the advantage of shippers of other days, whom we cannot help but perceive as friends of the regulating body. This is exploitation. Exploitation in the language of the street is 'racket'." [0]
Bucky understood that price controls could have terminal consequences.
"It is economic suicide to superimpose costs where they do not belong and thus falsify fundamental economic data." [18]
Bucky understood that change can happen too slowly to perceive.
"I have discovered that one of the important characteristics of most economic trends is that they are too slow in their motion to be visible to humans." [10]
"Humans do not get out of the way of that which they cannot see moving." [10]
"Man recognizes a very limited range of motion in the spectrum of motion." [18]
"Most of the important trends and surprise events in the life of man are invisible, inexorable motion patterns creeping up surprisingly upon him." [18]
"We may safely say that the word is keeping its eye on the unimportant, visible one percent of the historical transformation, while missing the significance of the ninety-nie percent of overall, unseen changes." [18]
"It was too slow and on too great a scale for his material perception; he has known too little of abstract perception. He can visualize the time element when the material object is seen to move, in relation to the world about him, which he is used to thinking of as motionless." [0]
Bucky warned about zombie companies.
"The computer will show that 70 percent of all jobs in America and probably an equivalently high percentage of the jobs in other Western private-enterprise countries are preoccupied with work that is not producing any wealth or life support—inspectors of inspectors, re-underwriters of insurance re-insurers, [zombie company] promoters, spies and counterspies, military personnel, gunmakers, etc." [10]
"World Game is Anti-Obnoxico [zombie company] and commits itself to making Obnoxico [zombie company] and allied activities obsolete rather than attacking it directly." [10]
Bucky understood how one could overlook a new technology, specifically new rails for trade.
"The British did not see the airplane as a cargo carrier and believed that their world trading exclusively by ships of the sea would not be threatened by air traffic. No one had ever flown across an ocean, let alone set up air-cargo fleets capable of competing with their seagoing fleets. One of the factors that they failed to envision was that of the technology becoming ever lighter per unit of functional performance until it became feasibly and economically air-deliverable." [10]
Bucky expected mainstream economists would be unable to predict the implications of something invisible like digital gold.
"Economists traditionally try to maximize what you have, but the idea that you could go from wire to wireless or from visible structuring to invisible alloy structuring did not occur to them at all. It was outside their point of view—beyond their range of vision." [10]
"No economic accounting books list metaphysical assets." [10]
"99% of all evolutionary trends are invisible." [3]
Bucky warned about the infodemic via "news."
"Because advertising pays for newspaper publishing and is placed with the journals that are most popularly read, publishers have sought to feed out what kind of news sells the most. They have found that bad news sells the most...Bad news is what steers humanity." [1]
"This invisible world-around warring to destroy the enemy’s economy wherever it is operative, above all by demonstrating its homeland weaknesses and vulnerabilities to the rest of the world, and thus hoping to destroy the confidence of the enemy people in themselves, is far more devastating than could be a physical death ray, for it does everything with nothing. Furthermore, it operates as 'news,' which moves around the Earth by electromagnetic waves operating at 700 million miles per hour." [10]
"This last consideration immediately brings to the fore the vital role of EDUCATION and complete unbe-tampered news dissemination as a primary means for society's egress from exploitation to active self-captaincy." [1]
Today's news consists of aggregates of fragments. Anyone who has taken part in any event that has subsequently appeared in the news is aware of the gross disparity between the actual and reported events." [6]
"The insistence by reporters upon having advance 'releases' of what, for instance, convocation speakers are supposedly going to say but in fact have not yet said, automatically discredits the value of the largely prefabricated news." [6]
"We also learn frequently of prefabricated and prevaricated events of a complex nature purportedly undertaken for purposes either of suppressing or rigging the news, which in turn perverts humanity's tactical information resources. All history becomes suspect. Probably our most polluted resource is the tactical information to which humanity spontaneously reflexes." [6]
"However, the day of potential fulfillment has arrived. It is but faintly obscured under a veil—now a very thin veil of old words and habitual ways kept alive by the press, radio and movies, these three abstract monopolies being Fincap’s last stronghold." [1]
"To the best of my observation none of the banks have been exempt from this participation. Knowing the cost of newspaper advertising, in one paper alone, you can readily perceive that these banks were literally spending millions of dollars daily, through their salary controlled newspaper economists, as well as in the evidently-paid-for advertising, to create some “intrinsic” value in the bond issues, with which they are loaded, due to their syndicate participation." [0]
Bucky warned of psychological warfare because there is no cost to spamming the population.
"Instead, they can readily involve, induce, and persuade individuals of the other side to look for discontent wherever it manifests itself and thereafter to “amplify” that condition by whatever psychological means until the situation erupts in public confusion, demonstrations, terrorism, etc. The idea is to make a mess of the other’s economy and customs." [10]
Bucky understood that markets could be manipulated via the news.
"This was the formula which they had for so long used upon their exclusive-and-dumb clients of the second-generation rich. Coincident with this propaganda, they jammed up the rediscount rates, etc. creating an entirely arbitrary hazard to progress. The latter, viewed with sufficient perspective, was no less subject to condemnation than the coercion tactics of any racket leader of laundrymen’s or junkmen’s union, temporarily in tactical control of the bread and butter of any group. Having jammed down the market in this manner, if you were to have been informed on this subject as I was, you would have observed, that on each of the days that money rates were so jammed up, that the newspapers were literally packed with banking house advertisements of so called 'securities'." [0]
"For instance, there are the bonds, already mentioned, advertised by supposedly reputable “bankers” in the daily newspapers, in the multi-million dollar advertising splurges. Run concurrently with Federal Reserve rate-jumping days, these are quite evidently designed to scare capital out of the stock market, and into consumption of the staggering burden of bonds, which they, and their relatives, have loaded themselves up with, in an anticipation of high turn-over rates, through the medium of the rich man’s son - bond salesman, with his socially organized clientele, and other such bunkum 'machinery'."[0]
Bucky understood many were not consciously aware of what they were doing.
"In referring to “bankers”, we of course do not involve the odd millions of most obedient clerks who think in the way they are paid to, and successfully achieving the condition of self deception, wherein they perceive these material worshipping ideas as their own, and speakable puffingly. as their own. are thereat “crowned” by their masters “vice-president”, etc. to permanently “peg” them as pickets of the minority “property” fence. We refer to the original policy designers." [0]
Bucky understood how vulnerable we are to calls for saving democracy.
"The highly idealistic youth of college age who are convinced that they are demonstrating against war are, despite the most humane and compassionate motives, often, in fact, the front-line soldiers operating as unwitting 'shock troops.'" [10]
"By skillful psychology and propaganda, the “ins” persuaded America that they were fighting “to save democracy.” I recall, as one of the youth of those times, how enthusiastic everyone became about “saving democracy.” [10]
Bucky understood developing nations were vulnerable to extortion via foreign investments.
"The Wall Street lawyers told Mr. Eisenhower that they didn’t like the over-altruistic social viewpoint of the Marshall Plan for helping underdeveloped countries. They liked foreign aid, but not exclusively for the development of underdeveloped countries." [10]
Bucky understood the concept of Witgenstein's Ruler and the importance of a reliable unit of account.
“The act of measuring always alters that which is measured.” [10]
"He [Einstein] needed an absolute measurement to which he could relate all other measurements of an energized and motion-full Universe." [5]
"In the matter of units of measure, science in due course evolved the metric system, which is a decimal system of potential correlated integration with scientific measurements in all fields. It was designed to clear up the misunderstandings universally developed through oddities in humpty-dumpty measuring units...to make possible world-widely understandable decimal and electrical calculation in the development of all scientific problems." [1]
"Realistic yardstick of energy." [1]
Bucky understood what "bits" are.
“…the principle of progressive subdivision and selection of the relevant half is used, and each progressive subdivision is called a "bit," and the number of subdivisions totally required are known as 'so many bits.'"
"...by applying the theory of bits, which breaks up finite wholes into finite parts." [6]
"Each progressively-retained live part is called a "bit" because of its being produced by the progressive binary 'yes' or 'no' bi-section of the previously residual live part." [3]
Bucky understood the "infinite pizza" problem.
"There is no multiplication by amplification of, or addition to, eternally regenerative Universe; there is only multiplication by division." [6]
“...all multiplication of its investments in physical work can only be accomplished by division of the finite whole—what I call "multiplication by division." [12]
"We are not used to thinking of reality as submitting to a "finite accounting system," but in fact, it does." [14]
Bucky understood that we would eventually have digital Keys.
“But, more exciting, dramatically, to popular conception, is the history of the key, which has constantly diminished from the great implement of the early turnkey (a special job in itself) down through the more able and ever smaller units until finally, we have the photo-electric cell of ephemeralization of the key itself, a transition into a pure scientific abstraction of energy control." [1]
Bucky understood why digital keys could not be hacked.
“Energy cannot identify intellect." [12]
Bucky understood that permissionless technology is necessary to make the world work for all.
“Anyone can use the telephone. Any two can have any kind of telephone conversation they want. They can call each other communist, capitalist, or any other kind of name. The telephone works for either...Without the telephone, the world could not be made to work for all; with the telephone, it could be made to work." [4]
"The umbrella must, however, be openable by the user. If we have to have an umbrella opener's labor organization to open our umbrellas for us, just in order to get more consumers on the credit ledgers, we will all soon be wet." [18]
"Initiative springs only from within the individual. Initiative can neither be created nor delegated." [4]
"...the inventor needs no license from anyone to address himself to the problems of the humanity." [24]
Bucky understood that consumption was a necessary part of the equation.
“You can't have mass production without mass distribution. You can't have mass distribution without mass consumption. You can't have mass consumption without mass buying capability. We need a broad spectrum of those who could participate." [28]
Bucky understood that technology is not to be feared, but to be undersood.
“I hear a great deal of technology is very threatening—something new. Technology is really just the knowledge of the existence of principles, but the principles were always there." [29]
Bucky understood that monetizing energy under a new accounting system would bootstrap prosperity.
“Powerful clichés have persisted for centuries which assured no important changes in the status quo, as for instance the statement, 'You can’t pull yourself up by your bootstraps.' But we have suddenly realized a swift increase in the proportion of humanity who have become economically and physically successful. Man has pulled himself up by his own bootstraps, but the old accounting will not permit proper recognition of the fact and we keep piling up fundamentally contradictory national indebtedness." [4]
"It was said at that time that 'man cannot lift himself up by his bootstraps.'" [4]
"The great transformation of man's physical capabilities by scientific industrialization, which alone could provide the physical environment and harnessed energy adequate and essential to a Utopian level of metabolic-regeneration success for all humanity had neither occurred nor even been as yet scientifically conceived." [4]
Bucky understood we needed a universal accounting system congruent with nature.
"It is utterly clear to me that the highest priority need of world society at the present moment is a realistic economic accounting system." [3]
"Above all, we're up against the problem of the accounting system." [22]
"Our obsolete economic account is registering only swiftly-multiplying national deficits." [4]
"The proper accounting of wealth is scientifically feasible." [4]
"Man will soon set up a new accounting system geared into the true wealth of power-potential truly accounting our dynamic mastery of environment." [18]
"Society must arrange a debtless system." [18]
"The world-unifying electric power accounting will be the beginning of the omnienergy accounting for world economic management." [10]
"World Game will become increasingly effective in its prognoses and programming when the world-around, satellite-inter-relayed computer system and its omni-Universe-operative (time-energy) accounting system are established." [10]
"Kilowatt-hours will become the prime criteria of costing the production of the complex of metabolic involvements per each function or item." [10]
"...humanity will perish on this planet...if the World Game’s world around computerized time-energy accounting is not forthwith inaugurated." [10]
"There can be no planetary equity until...we have but one accounting system." [10]
"This will make possible a world-around uniform costing and pricing system for all goods and services based realistically on the time-energy metabolic accounting system of Universe." [10]
"A 'cosmic accounting' system incorporates the survival values of a life-sustaining environment, the values, in energy and time, of the production of fossil fuels by nature, and the values of a regenerative and adaptive energy system and of renewable materials. Using this system, our present ways of utilizing energy are seen to be ridiculously wasteful." [25]
Bucky understood energy was not scarce and it is fundamental to our well-being.
"There is no energy crisis—there is only a crisis of ignorance."
"The amount of energy being electrically generated and consumed became the most sensitive telltale of economic health." [10]
"The measure of a society's industrial advancement is not dollars, but its use (consumption) of energy." [26]
Bucky understood that pollution was misunderstood.
"Pollution is nothing but resources we're not harvesting. We allow them to disperse because we've been ignorant of their value."
"Pollution is simply energy—in the form of unfamiliar matter—which the timing of the omniregenerative cosmic system cannot immediately use but must use later." [10]
"Society must become aware of the high value of these recovered chemistries. For example, the amount of sulphur coming out of all the chimneys around the world annually exactly equals the amount of sulphur mined from the ground and purchased annually by industry to keep its wheels turning. The computers will quickly show that the value of the recovered chemistries turned over to the government will more than pay back the cost of their rebates to the industrial companies. The computers will also show that the reduction in cost of respiratory ailments and other deleterious smog effects brought about by elimination of the smog constitutes an out-and-out profit to society." [10]
"Get the chemists and scientists studying how to use our waste." [16. Day 9]
Bucky understood methane and volcanos (among other resources) could be monetized.
"Humanity’s cosmic-energy income account consists entirely of our gravity- and star (99 percent Sun)-distributed cosmic dividends of waterpower, tidal power, wavepower, windpower, vegetation-produced alcohols, methane gas, vulcanism, and so on. Humanity’s present rate of total energy consumption amounts to only one four-millionth of one percent of the rate of its energy income." [10]
"Today's wastes of the sanitation cycle will be converted to energy work, providing as they do by natural process 110-octane methane gas." [18]
Bucky understood the potential for nuclear energy.
"Cities would generate their own energy with atomic reactors whose by-product heat would be used to desalinate seawater for the city's water supply." [31]​
Bucky understood that monetizing pollution would have secondary and tertiary health benefits.
"The computers will also show that the reduction in cost of respiratory ailments and other deleterious smog effects brought about by elimination of the smog constitutes an out-and-out profit to society." [10]
"This direct cost reduction [from coal to electricity] will be minor in comparison to the indirect cost reductions, such as the dust-deposit-accelrated depreciation of all manner of goods or of lung impairments, etc." [4]
Bucky understood energy curtailment was a missed opportunity.
"Every electrical-generating company has the problem of maintaining the experience-proven minimum surplus margin of standby power to take care of unexpectedly compounding big electrical-power loads—the unpredictable peak loads. All standby power that is not used is completely wasted. If used, it could be pure profit. Network integration smooths out the power-loss peaks and increases profits." [4]
"What the customers don’t use of the surplus generated power is pure loss to the 'public' utilities." [10]
"Integration of the electrical-generating networks of neighboring localities, whose peaks and valleys inherently differ to some degree, the excess of any of the network’s member utilities at any one moment is frequently used by other grid members’ peaks. When this happens, it brings pure profit to the excess-power-generating seller." [10]
Bucky understood digitization would save resources.
"We can discontinue newspapers and save the trees." [10]
Bucky understood a time-energy accounting system would be the ultimate store of value, and everything else (including gold) would eventually fall to its marginal cost of production/utility value.
"Computers will relegate all gold to its exclusively functional uses as a supreme electromagnetic conduction-and-reflection medium—with its supremacy amongst metals also manifest as rated in weight and bulk per accomplished function. The computer will relegate all physical substances to their uniquely best functional uses." [10]
Bucky understood the role hydro energy could play.
"With such hydro development the 54 percent of humanity in China, Southeast Asia, and India will all become physically prosperous in high degree." [10]
Bucky understood our economy is currently subsidized by the millions of years of cosmic energy in fossil fuels.
"These non-life-support-producing employees are spending three, four, and more gallons of gasoline daily to go to their non wealth-producing jobs—ergo, we are completely wasting $3 trillion of cosmic wealth per day in the U.S.A."
"We then asked him to figure how much it would cost nature per each gallon of petroleum for that much pressure and heat for that much time, were it calculated at the retail rate for that much energy for that length of time as charged us by the public utilities. The cost came to well over a million dollars per gallon." [10]
"World Game considers all fossil fuels to be nature’s own savings account, deposited in our 'Earth bank' and not to be stolen by exploiters. Everyone knows we should live on our (energy) income, not our savings account." [10]
Bucky understood we had sufficient resources and that knowledge was the key to turning "something" into a resource.
"We have always had enough resources. What has happened that now makes the difference is that we have vastly increased our know-how of specialized innovations, all of which invisible realization integrates to make possible success for all."
Bucky understood the importance of a globally integrated electric energy ecosystem.
"This world electric grid, with its omni-integrated advantage, will deliver its electric energy anywhere, to anyone, at any one time, at one common rate. This will make possible a world-around uniform costing and pricing system for all goods and services based realistically on the time-energy metabolic accounting system of Universe." [10]
"The first step in bringing about the desovereignization will be the closing of the gaps in the world electric power grid. The world-unifying electric power…" [10]
"…the computer’s politically unbiased problem-solving prestige will have brought about the world’s completely integrated electrical-energy network grid." [10]
Bucky understood that a global energy ecosystem would consolidate energy prices into a very narrow range.
"As power systems become integrated and the network pool becomes more balanced by invention in the matter of greater distance transmission, we shall eventually come to a point where there is attained a balanced power pool available at equal cost at any point in the land." [1]
Bucky understood that upfront "tooling up" was cost prohibitive and only underwritten during wars. Networks, on the other hand, would help amortize the buildout of energy infrastructure.
"Only in great national emergencies, underwritten by mortgaging of whole sovereign states, could men muster the capital credit to use the industrial equation. These national emergencies we know were the great moments of war." [18]
"By discovering the highest possible numbers of users, we find means of maximum division of initial costs and sharing of further capital initiations." [18]
"By discovering the highest possible number of users we find means of maximum division of initial costs and sharing of further capital initiation." [18]
"The more consumers the easier the amortization of the mass production setup's progressive stages." [18]
"The more people served by industrialization, the more efficient it becomes." [18]
"...the larger the numbers served, the more swiftly the apparatus is amortized and becomes improvingly replaceable." [4]
"The larger the interactive-energy wealth system, the more efficiently does it operate." [4]
Bucky understood the importance of the number Zero.
"The discovery of the symbol for nothing became everything to humanity." [10]
"That curtain would never again have been raised had it not been for the discovery of that something-called-nothing—the cipher. Because it was “nothing,” the information-monopolizing, physical-property coveting power structure had overlooked it." [10]
"If you have never been taught about the cipher and its functioning, there is almost no possibility of your accidentally discovering the computationally operative functioning of “nothing”—much less feel the necessity of inventing a symbol for that invisible, senseless nothingness." [10]
"Having developed symbols to express the contents of each column, he had to invent a symbol for the numberless content of the empty column—that symbol became known to the Arabs as the sifr; to the Romans as cifra; and to the English as cipher (our modern zero)." [10]
Bucky understood nature's power laws.
"Physicists found studying black body radiation that it was manifesting a 4th body rate of change." [23]
"There is order within what seems like disorder." [16]
Bucky understood the difference between a discovery and an invention.
"Patents can be granted only for special cases—i.e., limited physical-practice applications of abstract generalized principles, which principles alone are inherently metaphysical and unpatentable, being only 'discovered' and not 'invented.'" [10]
"These principles are discovered by man but are never invented by man." [18]
"The omnirational coordinate system, which I have named "synergetics," is not an invention. It is purely discovery." [4]
Bucky understood the potential for a network state.
"The world energy network grid will be responsible for the swift disappearance of planet Earth’s 150 different nationalities...The 150 nations act as 150 blood clots in blocking the flow of recirculating metals and other traffic essential to the realization of the design science revolution." [10]
"Nations will go away not because people don't like it, but because its obsolete." [28]
Bucky understood technology was deflationary.
"As a consequence of this never-ceasing technological increase in overall efficiency, the actual overall cosmically predicated costs of energy generation have always and only decreased."
Bucky understood the idea of home ownership was somewhat erronious.
"Despite the term "ownership," only a minor fraction of home and car "owners" actually own these items free of encumbrances...All are underwritten in one way or another by federal governments." [4]
"Though the government allows its so-called private banks to issue the mortgage money, it is the government which underwrites the mortgage." [18]
Bucky understood housing would be affordable under a sound money standard where savings aren't inflated away.
"It will be parried that none can afford homes if they have not work, to which the answer is given that millions are daily learning that small savings properly invested can rapidly attain the proportions of a permanent competence." [0]
"By and large, the great world housing problem is an educational problem." [4] [31]
Bucky understood we would have a global market open 24/7 capable of micro payments.
"...the "market" will be open 24 hours every day, everywhere in the world, and not only 'odd' lots but minute fractional share-purchases." [1]​​
Bucky understood that we would transition from an inflationary monetary system to a deflationary one.
"We are in for a world of economic-accounting revision of first magnitude. We will switch from a negative to a positive world economic accounting." [4]
"We've always played musical chairs in our society. We start with 100 people and 99 chairs and we keep eliminating chairs. The kind of change I'm talking about is when you begin with one chair and end up with 100. Every time the music stops, more people are sitting down. When there was only one chair, you might have felt pretty damn exclusive when you sat down. But now we know that - for the first time in history - the chair manufacturer can make enough for everybody. It's going to be a different game." [22]
Bucky understood that a constant or decreasing nominal wage can still increase purchasing power under a deflationary monetary system.
"Thinking in terms of production by workers and of the workers' ability to acquire the product of their cooperative effort, [Henry] Ford realized that the dollar-buying power of the worker's dollar had increased enormously in proportion to the specific satisfaction attainable in product to be purchased. Therefore, he understood that lowering the number of dollars does not of necessity mean a lowering of the worker's wage-ability to acquire goods and services." [1]
"It is quite evident that the public did not suffer in the deflation of market prices." [0]
Bucky understood small things can have significant impacts.
"I see one minuscule computer chip completely altering the whole world scene."
Bucky understood the concepts behind the difficulty adjustment.
"If you are good at problem solving, you do not eventually arrive at Utopia: you get ever more difficult, more comprehensive, more incisively stated problems to solve." [12]
"Frequency modulation is accomplished through precession-shunted circuit synchronization." [6]
"Angularly precessed shunting may divert omnidirectional energy into focused (angularly shunted) actions and reactions of either radial or circumferential patterns, or both." [6]
Bucky understood that the solution was available, but it would need to build enough momentum to succeed.
"As the world political economic emergencies increase, remember that we have discovered a way to make the total world work. It must be initiated and in strong momentum before we pass the point of no return." [3]
Bucky understood that transitioning to a time-energy accounting system would take time to educate and disseminate knowledge.
"There are fundamental rates at which the educational gestation takes time." [4]
"Even after 'discovery,' inventions often remain popularly unrecognized and unemployed for long periods." [1]
"There will be no instant world housing solutions. There are fundamental rates at which educational gestation takes place. [31]
"I assumed that nature had its own unique gestation rates, not only for the birth of each new biological component of ecological intersupport, but also for each inanimate technological artifact invention of human interadvantaging." [1]
"I sought to develop my artifacts with ample anticipatory time margins so that they would be ready for use by society when society discovered through evolutionary emergencies that they needed just what I had developed. I realized that if the new tools I had developed could provide valid human-advantage increases, then they would inevitably be adopted by society during the successive inexorable emergencies that occur in society, which evolution of emergence only through emergencies would dic-tate the proper rate of regenerative gestation of spontaneously adopted social advances." [10]
Bucky understood that it takes our minds more than one experience to understand the significance of an idea.
"It takes literally four experiences for [the] mind to discover that there is an interrelationship significance going on here that was not to be evidenced in one experience by itself." [15]
Bucky understood that this new accounting system would make violence unprofitable and, therefore, obsolete.
"The 'attractiveness' of war to Finance would diminish. Wars are a manifestation of the resistance of the old profit system."
(Reworded) [1]
"As we make various transitions–if we can get to the point where the Boeing Company, Lockheed, and so forth, begin producing livingry instead of a great deal of fighting ships and so forth." [30]
Bucky understood that centralizing or decentralizing is the wrong question. The right question is, how decentralized is decentralized enough?
"I have listened with great interest to discussions regarding decentralization and centralization, and I have thought that the question of whether it is valid to decentralize or centralize is unanswerable because it deals with one one-way sign in two-way traffic. It is a static question in a dynamic universe." [18]
Bucky understood that external threats could be managed through defense and decentralization and that this perpetual threat, in turn, would catalyze life-supporting innovation. Similarly, he understood clever mathematics, with the introduction of the computer, can make it more costly to break the rules than follow them.
"When the population concentrations of animate and inanimate components of the industrial complex are reduced below 'payoff' magnitudes in offensive strategy, the battle is won (temporarily, for we now know life to be dynamic and progressive), that is, 'checkmate' is called. At this tactical event, the checkmate, while racing to uncheck through adequate degrees of decentralization, may cover with a counter-offensive by calling out: 'I have a new missile available in far larger numbers, which may be expended economically on hitherto invulnerable population concentrations.' Obviously, the progression, checkmating and counter-checkmating, will be one of increased technical ability to fire economically at smaller and smaller population concentrations. And, inasmuch as the defensive tactics represent the upper hand to be maintained in the dynamic equilibrium of ever-impending shooting totality, the winning technique must devolve upon superior deployment of higher standards of living facility-livingry." [18]
Bucky understood that larger and larger blocks of energy would be contained in this new time-energy accounting system.
"Larger and larger blocks of which, as inherent principles of an inexhaustible universe, become available to man's control account. The impoundment of ever greater blocks of energy within the arrangements of the ninety-two chemical elements to give higher degrees of performance of structure and mechanics constitute the actual means of harvesting of universal wealth. It is as though the phenomena which we call raw materials, which are, in fact, our ninety-two chemical elements, were a fleet of cargo vessels into which we load ever greater cargoes of energy, and as we load them, they give higher degrees of controlled performance. As a result, we increase our control over our fate and that is the function of wealth." [18]
"...enormous knowledge-gains in means of impounding larger blocks of cosmic energy within given pounds of terrestrial matter." [18]
Bucky understood we would eventually arrive at a time standard.
"...we are fast approaching a time standard instead of a gold standard." [0]
"They must either acquire the knowledge of the time standard revealed in the 4D paper up to which capital is adjusting itself, thus balancing the upward trend of prices, which is the same as the decreasing value of the "gold" purchasing dollar, or economically die." [0]
"The primary statement to be made in our letter is that the financial set-up of 4d must be consistent with the new time unit standard, which has, without legislation, supplanted the now useless gold standard; and that the time standard must be used in conjunction with faith or credit which have supplanted feudalistic cash dealing." [0]
"A dollar bill in time to come will be recognized as a time-captured and saved unit of energy by man." [1]
Bucky understood that price discovery would ensure Bitcoin was finite but never scarce.
"Advantaged by the computer's capability
To inventory, permutate and reevidence
All relevant metabolic information,
Humanity is bout to discover
That whatever it needs to do
And knows how to do
It can always afford to do.
And that that infact is only
And all it can afford to do." [5]
"Humanity can do and can afford to do anything it needs to do that it knows how to do." [5]
Bucky understood how a system designed for failure drives people to altcoin casinos.
"The deep-seated proclivity of humans to gamble their monies is founded on the working assumption of human consciousness that individuals are inherently programmed for failure and that only cultivated luck can divert the individual from his negative plight." [27]
Bucky understood how the underlying fabric of the system, observation, or calculation was consequential but often overlooked, like the analogy of a fish in water.
"The basic flaw in their game was that they failed to identify and define as a tool the surface on which they inscribed. In absolute reality, this surface constituted a fourth tool absolutely essential to their demonstration." [6]
Bucky saw the poetry in connecting the dots.
"The most poetical experiences of my life have been those moments of conceptual comprehension of a few of the extraordinary generalized principles and their complex interactions which are apparently employed in the governance of universal evolution." [2][17]
Bucky understood that physical models can help people understand invisible principles and properties.
"Truths must be mechanically interpreted wherever applicable." [0]
"It is absolutely necessary that someone, or some group of people translate the many abstract truths into the realm of the conscious spheres of material things, as the mass of the world knows them. It will little benefit the world so long as philosophers remain in abstract discussion of their problems. There is no field equal to that of the industrially produced home, for applied philosophy." [0][31]
"The New Home is applied philosophy." [0]
Bucky consciously designed ahead of his time, knowing his work may remain dormant until needed. It is an example of what he called emergence by emergency.
"I sought to develop my artifacts with ample anticipatory time margins so that they would be ready for use by society when society discovered through evolutionary emergencies that they needed just what I had developed. I realized that if the new tools I had developed could provide valid human-advantage increases, then they would inevitably be adopted by society during the successive inexorable emergencies that occur in society, which evolution of emergence only through emergencies would dictate the proper rate of regenerative gestation of spontaneously adopted social advances." [1]
"Evolution has shown that whenever the need arises the art develops." [1]
Bucky understood that a "sly roundabout" was needed to avoid incumbent power structures.
"In order to avoid rousing the fears and consequent active opposition of the powerful financial, religious, and political interests who might foresee in my artifacts revolution the obsolescence of their own profitable products or services, I deliberately design far into the future." [12]
Bucky understood we were on the brink of change.
"Dear reader, traditional human power structures and their reign of darkness are about to be rendered obsolete." [12]
Bucky understood that hope has the power to change our behavior for the better.
"So, I say, “I’ve got to stay healthy. And I mustn’t get fat.” So just not eating that mouthful of that is part of that integrity all the time. You’re always up against it, and it’s not as if anybody else can come in and do any scoring. You’re really doing your own scoring." [30]
Bucky understood many of our problems are downstream of our accounting system.
"The problem of individualistic home [fiat standard] must be solved before the political, educational, unemployment, crime, and other problems which retard progress, can be solved. That these problems will practically solve themselves, will be the obvious outcome of protracted thought on this subject, provided the new home [bitcoin standard] is successfully launched." [0]
Bucky understood central banking was a racket.
"You will come to appreciate the significance of what can only be termed as the racket today of the Master Money Lender’s Union, otherwise known as the Federal Reserve System, which, as representative of the group banking interest, has taken all the trouble to obtain control of the material money market of the world. Having under its control the majority of the actual gold metal, which it has popped around from one locality to another, internationally, under the impression that it was stabilizing affairs, with this inanimate material, it has suddenly awoken to the fact that material values are static, and are being rapidly outdistanced by good faith and mental organization values." [0]
Bucky understood that failing to transition to a new accounting system was potentially terminal.
"All the foregoing considerations demonstrate clearly why the computer accounting switchover is not only possible but mandatory and must be accomplished before the fear and ignorance of the billions of humans involved in the power structure's bureaucracies panic and push the atomic-bomb release buttons." [10]
Bucky understood you cannot stop an idea whose time has come.
"A truth once revealed cannot be repealed, and becomes so obvious, and its boundaries so abstract, that it is much more trespassed upon, by the world in general, than material possessions." [0]
Closing Thoughts
Bucky often referred to himself as a "trimtab"—a small rudder that can change the course of a large ship with a small amount of force. It was his analogy for how a single person can start to make a big difference. In fact, he was adamant that change would ultimately come down to individual integrity, as groups and corporations are, by definition, incapable of coming up with new ideas. The initiative comes from each individual.
Given the breadth of his work, it is likely that Bucky was a trimtab for the "time-energy accounting system" we call Bitcoin.
Bucky never forced his ideas on anyone. He referred to himself as a verb to try and detach his identity from his ideas so they could be evaluated on their own merits. He selflessly continued building, talking, and writing to anyone listening.
Bucky, we hear you.
Bucky often repeated ideas in different contexts to reach different people; he was unabashedly redundant. He likened it to the pole vaulter who always goes back to the end of the cinder track before repeating his sprint [7]. Therefore, the following list is not the single source for these ideas.
[0] Fuller, R. Buckminster. 1929. 4D Time Lock.
[1] Fuller, R. Buckminster. 1938. Nine Chains to the Moon: An Adventure Story of Thought.
[2] Fuller, R. Buckminster. 1963. No More Second Hand God.
[3] Fuller, R. Buckminster. Operating Manual of Spaceship Earth.
[4] Fuller, R. Buckminster. Utopia or Oblivion.
[5] Fuller, R. Buckminster. Earth, Inc.
[6] Fuller, R. Buckminster. Synergetics.
[7] Fuller, R. Buckminster. Synergetics 2.
[8] Fuller, R. Buckminster. Everything I Know.
[9] Fuller, R. Buckminster. And It Came to Pass-Not to Stay.
[10] Fuller, R. Buckminster. Critical Path.
[11] Fuller, R. Buckminster. Grunch of Giants.
[12] Fuller, R. Buckminster. Cosmography.
[13] Sieden, Lloyd Steven. Buckminster Fuller's Universe.
[14] Edmondson, Amy C. 1987. A Fuller Explanation.
[15] Fuller, R. Buckminster (with Anwar Dil). Humans in Universe.
[16] Fuller, R. Buckminster. 1975. Everything I know. 42 hour lecture series.
[17] Fuller, R. Buckminster (with Jerome Agel and Quentin Fiore). 1970. I Seem to Be a Verb.
[18] Fuller, R. Buckminster. 1963. Ideas and Integrities.
[19] Wigley, Mark. 2015. Buckminster Fuller Inc. Architecture in the Age of Radio.
[20] Fuller, R. Buckminster. 1983. Royal Gold Medal Presentation.
[21] Gorman, Michael John. 2005. Buckminster Fuller. Designing for Mobility.
[22] Fuller, R. Buckminster. 1972. A Candid Conversation With the Visionary Architect/Inventor/Philosopher.
[23] Fuller, R. Buckminster and Werner Erhard. 1976. Conversations with Buckminster Fuller.
[24] Fuller, R. Buckminster. 1966. World Man. Lecture
[25] Gabel, Medard (with the World Game Workshop and Buckminster Fuller). 1975. Energy Earth and Everyone.
[26] Fuller, R. Buckminster. 1962. Untitled Epic Poem on the History of Industrialization.
[27] Fuller, R. Buckminster. 1973. The Dymaxion World of Buckminster Fuller.
[28] Fuller, R. Buckminster. 1974. Conversations with Harold Hudson Channer. Interview
[29] Fuller, R. Buckminster. 1972. The Bartlett Lecture. Lecture
[30] Fuller, R. Buckminster. February 26, 1983. Interview.
[31] E.J. Applewhite. 1977. Cosmic Fishing.
[32] Fuller, R. Buckminster. 1971. Project Survival - City of The Future.
[33] Papanek, Victor (with introduction by Fuller, R. Buckminster). 1971. Design for The Real World.
[34] Fuller, R. Buckminster. 1983. Guinea Pig B.
On the discovery of generalized principles like Bitcoin:
Discoveries are uniquely regenerative to the explorer and are most powerful on those rare occasions when a generalized principle is discovered.
When mind discovers a generalized principle permeating whole fields of special-case experiences, the discovered relationship is awesomely and elatingly beautiful to the discoverer personally, not only because to the best of his knowledge it has been heretofore unknown, but also because of the intuitively sensed potential of its effect upon knowledge and the consequently improved advantages accruing to humanity’s survival and growth struggle in Universe.
The stimulation is not that of the discoverer of a diamond, which is a physical entity that may be monopolized or exploited only to the owner’s advantage. It is the realization that the newly discovered principle will provide spontaneous, common-sense logic engendering universal cooperation where, in many areas, only confusion and controversy had hitherto prevailed.
R. Buckminster Fuller [Synergetics: 250.02]
Value for Value
Bucky spent the last 51 years of his life trading value for value. In many ways, he was "streaming sats" long before there was an accounting method in place. He understood that an open and free exchange of ideas was a key ingredient to solving collective problems and that we needed a frictionless way to exchange value with anyone worldwide. If our work has made a difference for you and you feel compelled to exchange value for value, we have provided a way to do so using the button below.
"Elimination of war can only be realized through a design and invention revolution."
—R. Buckminster Fuller